I am easily encouraged.
I have been submitting work to Somerset Studios and been rejected twice but am happy to say I will have work in the upcoming Gallery V, summer 06 edition of their sister magazine. My "Girlfriends" canvas and board book were submitted and I don't know yet if they are using both or just one, but I am elated either way. You can preorder the issue like I did at the following link.
http://www.stampington.com/html/gallery.htmlI also have a new mini canvas I made yesterday between classes.
I call it "Wings to Fly" an altered image of me as a child with wings.
My mom and dad always encouraged me to do all I wanted and keep
trying my best with all endeavors. They applauded my successes and encouraged me to keep trying when I failed. They gave me wings to fly.
The whole wing idea I guess started too from my rejection of my "flight" pieces recently submitted.
I also have more work submitted to Somerset as well as Legacy.
These are great publications if you enjoy altered art, collage, and heritage pieces.