Monday, June 30, 2008
obsession with cross continues

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Praising God

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Oh what a beautiful morning!

Casting a golden hue on the tall field grasses
My peace is found in the Lord.
As the birds waken the world in song
With every perfect melody known
My soul is refreshed in the Lord.
As the sky deepens with the glorious color of Carolina blue
Sending hope to a hurting world
My life is found in the Lord.
As the pavement beneath my feet on my morning walk
Gives rhythm to my own heart
My hope is found in the Lord.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008
GIven by God
Gave a glimpse of heaven's gate.
The mourning dove cooed
A song of wait.
God sent answers
To prayers of His believers.
Among them He included
Blessings to His receivers.
The light fades in the western sky,
But never lose sight of God above.
His mercies are new every day
And sent with His grace and love.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Heaven on Earth

- cool mornings in June after brutally hot ones
- the sun's golden hue on everything in its path
- God's good graces
- a loving faithful husband who still loves me after 27 years (28 soon)
- a smart hardworking kind son who calls everyday
- dear parents who taught me right from wrong and still are my best role models
- creative time every day to make art
- neighbors on whom you can depend when a favor is needed
- friends too many to number who never give up on me
- inspiring words of God through The Bible
- email buddies I've never met but continue to support, encourage and inspire me
- prayer warriors of all ages
- church family who care about me
- freedom to be just me
- good books and movies to escape with
- trips to Kiawah (beach) or the mountains, with views that put a whole new perspective on life and living
- backyard retreats with my journal and Bible where I find peace and serenity
- 52 years of privileges
- this blog where I can share my true self, good and bad
Today's image is the completed AB page from the RR with the paper dolls from yesterday's blog tucked in the bandana pocket
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Morning words

Monday, June 16, 2008
simple start
Sunday, June 15, 2008
borrowed thought
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Peace is found when
Thursday, June 12, 2008
New projects and other ramblings

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
scavenger hunt for creative inspiration

Monday, June 09, 2008
New Every Morning!

On the morning walk, I observed the importance of being awake and alive in the senses. The neighbor at the end of the street was letting the eldest son's dog out for her morning visit to the privileges. (They are dog sitting.) She was quiet but curious (unlike other neighbor's dogs whom shall remain nameless). She was excited and stimulated by all the new sights and smells, truly happy to be alive. It dawned on me that we as Christians should be that way. Excited every morning to see what God has placed in our worlds just for us and our enjoyment:
* Sunrises to see created by the Master artist himself just for us to enjoy.
* Heavenly scented honeysuckle and magnolia blooms specially concocted from the Master
perfumer just for us to inhale.
* Refreshing morning air, before the day's heat and dirt get to it, just for our lungs to taste and our skin to feel.
* The lovely melodies of the birds' chorus, written by God's own hand, provide glory for our ears and a wonderful beat for our moving feet.
So if you missed this morning try another morning. Get out early. Live and breathe what God has prepared for you. Don't forget to thank Him and tell Him how much you enjoyed it. Remember, it's new every morning.
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
Image is from my Metal ATC series featured in the current ATC Quarterly published in Canada. You can find out info for subscriptions at this link: http://www.atcquarterly.com/issues.html
Sunday, June 08, 2008
More Cross Art

Friday, June 06, 2008
A Prayer for All
Thursday, June 05, 2008
My Adventurer
Lisa Vollrath freebies
cut and paste into browser for more free images from Lisa Vollrath
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
another free image

Art Goes Green

Monday, June 02, 2008
colorful grunge freebie

Light for your day

I find hope for the day,
Solace for the journey,
Peace for living.
In the afternoon light;
I find strength for the day,
Grace for the journey,
Joy for living.
In the evening light;
I find respite from the day,
Renewal for the journey,
Blessings for living.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
You only get this day once!

While walking last evening I began to think again about a great response my son, Matthew, had to a text message prompt I sent a day earlier. To set the stage I must first explain that when he was in middle school, a time when kids don't like themselves or anyone else, I began to write a Bible verse on a post it note and leave it with his backpack each morning. Just a little something to give him strength for the day and a focus other than adolescence angst. He carried it in his pocket throughout the day. This continued through high school and then when he went away to college, I would email it to him each morning along with a favorite quote. There were various themes and I related the two when possible, another way to focus on something positive for the day. Now he's been on his own for over a year working 300 miles from home and I continue this tradition. He really enjoys and is inspired by it. Being a journalist, he loves words and writing and occasionally I send an interesting thought or journal prompt to again give him new perspective and focus. Now back to my beginning, he certainly can write rings around me and thinks much more clearly and quickly. Sometimes the focus is thought provoking and sometimes a laugh but the other day when I could think of nothing funny to send I simply texted "finish...today is..." He very quickly sent back this response, "the only May 30, 2008 we get." I sent back "excellent". It was the perfect response to my prompt. I was wowed! What a great way to think and we all should think this thought every single day. Each is special and precious and we do not know what it will mean to us in years to come, maybe even the next day! So remember you only get ONE today...make the MOST of it!