Thursday, July 31, 2008
as the sun's rays filter

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
As the dust settles....I am THANKFUL

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
times like these
Monday, July 28, 2008
a few days of uncertainty
Friday, July 25, 2008
of God
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Looking back

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The power of THREE

- the THREE in ONE - Trinity- Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- the THREE graces - Faith-Hope-Love
- the THREE in families - my husband, son and me and my mother, father and me
- the most special THREE little words - I Love You
What special threes are in your life?
Oh, and to answer a reader of my blog about the program I use for the ATC backs: Couldn't get to your blog or email: I use Microsoft Publisher. It's easy to use with text and picture boxes. So much easier than using Word. You just center the box or drag it where you need even to the edge of the page. You can then group it all and save as a jpeg image. Then you simply line all the images up on the page as you wish them to print.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ATC Signature Back

A Sunday morning vignette
Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008
scripture inspired
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Faith not sight

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
10 Favorite Things
Monday, July 14, 2008
a breath away
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Moonlight Message

Night time is sacred and beautiful.
A clear crisp night makes you draw inward for warmth and in so doing you may feel closer to your maker. He also made the moon and He will shine His light and His moonlight right down on your head and into your heart. It is His way of touching your very soul and giving you a taste of the way life can be if you draw close to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He made the moon and He made you. The Lord protects His own.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
I find answers

Monday, July 07, 2008
A Question I have been asking lots of family and friends

Sunday, July 06, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
results to questions about art
What makes you purchase a piece of art? -
It has to inspire me beyond the norm, to make me want to look at it again and again
When is speaks to me...well, when it SPEAKS to me...kind of like a toddler trying to get your attention- they will NOT be ignored. Seriously, when a piece grabs me and won't let go...usually when the message touches me deeply.
A piece of art has to touch something deep within, and I have to sort of feel like I cannot live without it. I try never to make impulse purchases, even of art, so I usually have to see if the piece still calls to me, and if I still want it, after a week. Also, I have to feel like it is worth the price I'm going to pay for it, and that is wholly subjective. How much I am willing to pay is totally based on how badly I want the piece.
It speaks to me in some way and it symbolizes who I am as a person (and it matches my home and I have somewhere I can put it)
I buy art I can't make myself...or if I can, I like the artist.
I think the same thing that attracts me to make art. Colour, textures, shapes which draw me towards it.
It speaks to my deepest emotions, and won't shut up! Oh, and I can afford it
I only buy art that "speaks" to me. It may be an emotional or a spiritual tug, or a response to the theme or just the colours, but there has to be some sort of spark of recognition that goes on between me and the artist.
Does art have a place in everyone's life? -
Yes, even photographs are art, and most everyone has a photograph in their home or place of business
Oh, I certainly hope so! Art has been such a soothing part of my life...especially since committing myself to our Lord. I'm still doing more art in my head, but I really do feel everyone's life would be improved with the addition of art.
I think that it should and that it does, even though people don't always recognize it as such (that is as "art"). Pictures on the wall, flowers planted in the garden, particular styles of shoes and clothes are all forms of art.
I believe art has a place in everyone's life. In fact, I think everyone is surrounded by art -- not always art created by a human artist! I believe that it enriches the life of every person to look at, wake up to the value of, and learn to appreciate, art of all kinds.
Yes of course art has a place in every life...even if it is just appreciated and not owned. And nature's art is the best!
Probably in some people's lives it may be unnoticed until something wakes them up! For me it was a progression from a creative embroidery course and then a desire to take art further.... I am sure that everyone has something which could awaken them to art.
If we use recycled materials as much as possible and always ask ourselves "can I use this" before throwing something away! It is hard for those who need to make a living with their art ....but we all need something beautiful in our homes somewhere even if it is just one piece!
It should, but it doesn't.
I truly believe art has a very necessary place in everyone's life. When I couldn't buy art for financial reasons, I did buy a book of full colour reproductions of famous paintings and pinned the ones I liked on the walls so my children could grow up with art. Visiting art museums and galleries is all very well, but there is no substitute for living with art.
Can art survive in these economic times? -
Yes, but it has to be tailored to the times as well in some fashion; for example, in devotionals that deal with hardship and surpassing that hardship
I would say yes...the 'experts' say that comfort items do well during stressed economic periods...and that people usually can find money to buy things that make them feel good.
Yes, art can survive in difficult economic times. In fact, it MUST survive in time like these. I think the harder the times, the more necessary it is to have beauty that helps lift you out of yourself. I try to live by this: If I only have $1, I will spend 50 cents on bread and 50 cents on flowers.
We all need dishes and furniture, for instance (and we generally pick out a design we like when purchasing--both are a practical form of art)
Art can certainly survive hard economic times, though making a living at art may be very difficult!
Yes, but it will be tougher, at least for those who try to make a living through their artwork. The emphasis will need to be on using what we've got on hand rather than adding all the new tools and materials to the stash. For buyers, there will need to be an even deeper emotional connection and a reasonable pricetag.
Art will always survive. The question should be, "Can artists survive in these economic times?" We all know that creating art is far from being the best way to achieve financial security. Very few people will be able to make a living from their art in these or any other times. Faced with economic worries, people will be less likely to spend their money on art, and artists will have problems being able to afford the better type of supplies. There will be no poverty of ideas and no lack of creative urges, however.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Let Freedom Ring!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Why the freebies?
Another freebie but different

- What makes you purchase a piece of art?
- Does art have a place in everyone's life?
- Can art survive in these economic times?
Blessings to you this day!
Give till your heart is full!
NOTE: many of the zines have a Christian theme!
image is from my recent trip to the beautiful mountains of NC
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
right out the back door

- read
- journal
- sketch
- pray
- listen
- plan
- watch nature
this should get you started; it doesn't have to be a complete setting, it can simply be a chair in the yard in a quiet place. i understand that carl sandburg sat on the large rock at the back of his house to write much of his poetry.
Image is from my little house book.