Others didn’t ignore her words; she didn’t speak up with confidence.
They didn’t see her because she hid in the back, in the dark and often from herself even.
She finally allowed herself to be visible.
All these years she thought they had the issue, but it was her.
She finally taught others how she wanted to be treated.
She was neglected and mistreated because she didn’t demand better.
It was time she put herself and her needs first. It was time she became who she knew she was—a strong, confident, talented individual. She had proven to herself what she was capable of. She had learned the hard way to be self-reliant and independent. She had finally realized she had gifts worthy of giving time to, and not feeling it was unimportant and frivolous.
This woman was now a virtuous woman of the twenty-first century. Her voice mattered. Her beliefs were solid. Her presence was valuable. Her life was significant. She could be all she was born to be. She could become all she deserved to become. She had always been blessed by God and it was time she believed it for herself. No longer would she allow others to ignore her message. If they did then she would no longer share it with them. She would never again be invisible; she had an important reason to be seen. Finally she would be respected for the person she had always been capable of proving she was—a poised and intelligent woman—loved and valued by God, directed by God, and created by God with purpose.