from Day 27
She found her comfort in pie in the sky ideas. Dreaming and hoping were her survival skills. Trusting her Pollyanna nature got her through most tough situations. "Less is more" and other simplictic ways of living kept her safe and sane. She preferred quiet over chaos and like small intimate family gatherings better than crowded events. She never minded days upon days at home. Actually it became an addiction. Creativity and imagination were her drugs of choice and she used them heavily. Weaving words in her journal, meshing images in a collage or painting, leaning on a scripture passage and through prayer, she made sense of all things this way. It helped her sort out emotions, troubles and situations. Finding her purpose in life, following her own instincts and leading the map set before her became clearer when being true to herself.
1 comment:
oh i love this, sounds like me. quiet, intimate home settings. working in our art brings God pleasure too. Using tools He gave us to explore this world we live in.
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