Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What a difference a day makes!

These two sections were written on different days. Just take them as they come. Each day will be different!

The light has left her.

She slowly learns about her needs, her vacant, unsated needs.

She dreams of remarkable passion but only has the words and images.

She hopes for serene quiet days and nights but finds them not.

She believes in truth and love but it seldom comes her way anymore.

She expects life to improve but the same old troubles and pain haunt her daily-hourly. She probably needs professional help but is it possible?

I hear my little neighborhood wren this morning.

It’s cheery song calls me to have hope.

Cheery bird melodies give encouragement.

I heard an owl.

It’s steady lonesome call gave comfort.

Alone with God is comfort.

Alone with God is peace.


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