The post page loaded this time. Some days it doesn't allow me to enter text or images! Is anyone else having that problem? Is it because of my slow dial up? Is it just the web goonies playing tricks?
Well, here I am at last able to log on and post and I'm at a loss of what I have thought of sharing all the times I couldn't get on. I am actually sick today with a horrible cold and sore throat and sleep deprivation. I took the morning slow and worked on some ATC's, journaling and even some chores (laundry and cleaning.)
I am sharing a page from the altered book I am doing on myself, using Steven King's book, Christine. Appropriate for my name of course. I started off good and then hit a wall and am now back to some decent pages. Do you ever do that? Start with a good idea, work hard and then suddenly, BLAH! Then get back on track and make good pages again.
I am also going to post some new ATC's. My local group meets next week and I will be sharing with a local art group the next week.
Classes are going well. (teaching 3 kid's classes at the local non-profit school of arts) Yesterday was a challenge, working on art for the booth for an upcoming fund raiser and then continuing the projects with kids in my class along with another teacher's class; it was messy and chaotic to state it simply.
Only two more weeks till we take an early vacation to my favorite spot, Kiawah Island, SC. Check it out on the internet and you will see a little part of heave right here on earth and it's only about 4 1/2 hours from here and 30 minutes from Charleston, a wonderful city of art and history.
This trip always relaxes me, inspires me and reenergizes me.
Well, enought rambling... time to finish up my list of chores to do today, sick or not.