Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 121 Prayers for:
Just realized this post is blank so I'd like to add this:
I pray each day for several dozen family, friends and family and friends of friends.
God thinks you are each special and He is truly addressing each and every need, so knuckle down and stay the course and trust our Heavenly Father for EVERYTHING!
God bless you ALL!
(Let it be or so be it!)
I pray each day for several dozen family, friends and family and friends of friends.
God thinks you are each special and He is truly addressing each and every need, so knuckle down and stay the course and trust our Heavenly Father for EVERYTHING!
God bless you ALL!
(Let it be or so be it!)
Day 121 Prayer Formula
Many years ago someone taught me a simple formula for prayer. When at a loss for words this formula keeps me focused. Maybe it will help you.
A adoration
C confession
T thanksgiving
S supplication
Dear Lord,
in Your mercy, hear my prayer.
I praise Your miracles and answers.
I ask for forgiveness of my sin.
I thank You for my many blessings.
I ask for continued healing, health, and strength for all those in need.
In Christ's name,
Monday, September 28, 2009

Clouds march across
The bright western sky,
A parade of gold and violet.
Something leaps within my soul.
A pang of relief.
It feels as if God Himself
is patting me on the head saying,
"There there my child,
Hang onto your faith
A little longer.
The worst is over."
The release I feel is amazing,
Release from
Trusting too little,
Expecting too much, and
Accepting too greedily.
God understands me.
God is with me, Himself.
God is still my Father.
I will not forget and
I will forever follow
His lead.
A half moon plays
Peep eye in the south west.
I almost hear angel laughter.
A wondrous lightness
Of heart gives my spine a shiver.
I really know God's mirth and
Sense of joy.
Holding that thought in my heart
Will certainly keep me on the path
To a new equilibrium and
A contented soul.
The bright western sky,
A parade of gold and violet.
Something leaps within my soul.
A pang of relief.
It feels as if God Himself
is patting me on the head saying,
"There there my child,
Hang onto your faith
A little longer.
The worst is over."
The release I feel is amazing,
Release from
Trusting too little,
Expecting too much, and
Accepting too greedily.
God understands me.
God is with me, Himself.
God is still my Father.
I will not forget and
I will forever follow
His lead.
A half moon plays
Peep eye in the south west.
I almost hear angel laughter.
A wondrous lightness
Of heart gives my spine a shiver.
I really know God's mirth and
Sense of joy.
Holding that thought in my heart
Will certainly keep me on the path
To a new equilibrium and
A contented soul.
Day 120 Mercy
Lord, in your mercy
hear my prayer.
Heal my blindness to my many blessings
and tunnel vision of problems.
Forgive my lack of faith.
Help me find joy in life.
Show me the path that leads
to a stronger relationship with You.
Protect those I love.
Give us peace.
The sun's rays
break through
my darkened soul.
Lighting the way
I find a hope
that has been dying slowly
with each crisis.
Trusting God to continue
healing our bodies and lifting
our spirits.
Knowing He is with us.
No matter
where we walk,
what we experience,
how we feel,
when we need Him.
That same "Son" light
points the way to
new peace.
Image is for Create Every Day (Words theme)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Day 119 Making sense of it all

It gets harder and harder to start each day with months of fatigue lingering in our minds and bodies. Somehow, we continue to do so. No, not somehow; with God we continue. Each day we accomplish what is needed, receive what is needed, and make small strides forward, living a reasonably good life.
Never knowing God's purpose for all we've been dealt, we plunge ahead. Finding some days easier than others, we simply trust God and follow as closely as humanly possible. He continues to sustain us and we survive. I wonder if the days of thriving simply become days of surviving. Maybe that's sufficient but I have to wonder. Is that all life is? I'm really not sure. I don't know if I need to know or understand all this but I seek meaning anyway. I seem to need it. Making sense of human existence tends to dominate my thoughts now more than ever.
I am thankful for Mom and Dad and the several years of retirement they have enjoyed. Unlike Terry's parents who were somewhat robbed at an early age, and then forced to retire. Dying before knowing much about the latter years.
We wonder will we live peaceful decades or only a few years. Does it matter? Is time not relevant to "quality" rather than "quantity"?
We wonder will we live peaceful decades or only a few years. Does it matter? Is time not relevant to "quality" rather than "quantity"?
Lord, speak to my heart with words my spirit can thrive on.
Lord, embrace my weary body and fill it with your grace to survive.
Lord, keep me content with all my blessings and remove my greedy nature to hold on to more than is needed.
Lord, send your angels to hover over all those I care for, keeping them safe.
Lord, in your mercy, hear my prayer.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Day 117 Prayers
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day 116 all you need is there waiting for you
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Follow the way before you!
Day 106 Weather the Storms
Monday, September 21, 2009
I am happy to share my words with anyone who can use them to comfort another! Please just reference the blog. Blessings to you all who find inspiration here!
Day 112 Sometimes and always
Sometimes the words are
not there.
They stick in my head and heart.
Some days the effort is
not there.
It gets swallowed up
by fatigue.
Some how the answers
to life's questions
are not there.
God is waiting to be sought.
For some reason the dreams are
not there anymore.
A daily exisitence has plowed them down
However, God is always there and
He alone gives us
the words,
the effort,
the answers, and
the dreams.
Sunday, September 20, 2009

I love BLOGS and am enjoying the one at (Sorry but you'll also have to cut and paste the link into your browser.) I do tire of reading from the screen so i tend to do a lot of cutting and pasting into WORD and reading casually. I have also been doing lots of collage images on the computer, printing them washed out and then drawing, coloring and adding to them by hand. Here is a short mini series of them using info from the above site printing on top of printing, then adding color and details with my favorite Prismacolor Art Stix. Check out the site and tell me if you are inspired yourself to get busy and run away with your own crayola box and paper!
Day 111 tears, living and addictions
The tears puddle
out of nowhere
do they fall from bliss or to bliss?
The release is imcomplete
though comforting.
The tears season
our tasteless lives and
we find a flavor like
no other.
The taste is fulfilling
yet lacking.
The tears trace
the cheek and spot
the shirt
finding a moment's saturated
They dry up quickly
and are forgotten till
the next emotional flood.
Like an addict
in withdrawal
I get shaky.
I seek a hit.
A high.
It's nothing I can
buy at the pharmacy.
Nor the street corner.
The only fix is
within my creative soul.
A blob of cerulean.
A drop of sienna.
A shapeless wonder.
I seek and find
a moment's satisfaction.
Brief but enough.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Day 110 what works
Friday, September 18, 2009
Multiple Messages-Balance is Everything!
Clearly hidden in a color book world, I find my escape. Knowing my boundaries, I go the distance, follow the path of least resistance and accept a peaceful existence. I can hide beneath three simple primaries of red, yellow and blue. Protected and hopeful, I rest assured that long days and longer nights can be endured if I only keep a balanced thought at any given moment.
Day 109 A good day to think about A T T I T U D E

wish I had wrote this but I didn't...
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company ... a
church ... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past ... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do
is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitude." - Chuck Swindoll
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company ... a
church ... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past ... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do
is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitude." - Chuck Swindoll
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day 108 Scrambled thoughts are okay too
Scrambled thoughts can show us a path. Maybe not of our choosing but a way to follow and find what we need. Sometimes all the scripture and writings connect on the same wave-length. Sometimes they don't. They often mimic my own scattered ideas, prayers, and hopes but maybe there's reason for that--just as a "to do" list is often jumbled, it still leads us to the finish line. Sometimes the path doesn't matter. The quote may say the journey matters most but sometimes it's about the destination. So, expect the unexpected to be "God" expected.
The trees rain on me much like life rains on us daily. Much of life is about ups and downs, positive and negative but realize that water not only drowns, it also nourishes. Trust God to never leave nor forsake you. He rains on the just and unjust but he also is with the just and unjust. HE is the ultimate friend, caregiver, love, gift and immigrant (the 5 themes in today's disjointed devotional time). Immigrant? You may ask. Yes, He is desperately immigrating into our hearts and often finds a permanent home there.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day 107 Day's End
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
restore me
Monday, September 14, 2009
Day 106 No Matter
Day 105 Lessons learned

Pastor Joey (at Mom and Dad's church) had a great sermon last week based on John 14's Vine and the Branches passage. How many times does someone ask WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? Maybe it's God's way of pruning to make them even stronger, better. It gave me great hope.
Pastor Noel at my church had a great sermon on Joshua yesterday. A great remeinder that Faith conquers fear.
Pastor Noel at my church had a great sermon on Joshua yesterday. A great remeinder that Faith conquers fear.
Life is full of lessons. This 3 month journey which will surely be 12 at least is the biggest lesson, learning curve, adjustment, change, revelation and experience of my entire life of 53 years. Here are a few of the lessons:
· Aging is preferred over death but is difficult
· Illness strikes everyone and it's never expected or prepared for
· Faith, determination and patience are tested and acquired in crisis
· We don't know what we are capable of until tested
· Family and friends get us through
· Hope not only springs eternal but continually
· Life is about seasons and thick and lean years
I'm sure more lessons will surface as this journey continues. HOW WOULD I HAVE MADE IT WITHOUT GOD?
· Aging is preferred over death but is difficult
· Illness strikes everyone and it's never expected or prepared for
· Faith, determination and patience are tested and acquired in crisis
· We don't know what we are capable of until tested
· Family and friends get us through
· Hope not only springs eternal but continually
· Life is about seasons and thick and lean years
I'm sure more lessons will surface as this journey continues. HOW WOULD I HAVE MADE IT WITHOUT GOD?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Day 104
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day 103 (notes from Day 98)
The sun peeks through the cypress trees at the side yard.
The skies become blue with morning light.
God's light will lead me through the day.
I will falter but not stumble and fall.
Five small birds sit on a line.
Another above and one below.
Two more join.
Six move.
Another adjustment and they sit
Three, eight, one….
Like music notes on a staff.
Could it be their arrangement mimics their song?
Knowing God, I would not doubt it.
The skies become blue with morning light.
God's light will lead me through the day.
I will falter but not stumble and fall.
Five small birds sit on a line.
Another above and one below.
Two more join.
Six move.
Another adjustment and they sit
Three, eight, one….
Like music notes on a staff.
Could it be their arrangement mimics their song?
Knowing God, I would not doubt it.
Image is one of a new series of self portraits
Friday, September 11, 2009
from Day 99
Drowning in thoughts
Pleading for a Savior
I lose my spirit and
Go into survival mode
Just doing what must be done-
Day by day
Moment by moment
The tears are there but I just hold them till I escape to a better place to release them.
I sit here on my parents breezeway but the air is still stagnant.
I gasp for life.
It doesn’t help.
My lungs won't work.
The air stays on my tongue.
And I lose hope again.
I've so much to be thankful for. How easily I forget. When will I lose myself to others?
The mind is crammed.
The stomach is aching.
The heart is broken.
The spirit is gone.
The soul is vacant.
The mind is losing brains cells with each crisis.
I must take hold of myself. Get over myself and release it!
The sun brightens in the
Eastern sky.
When will I allow God's Son to brighten me?
The moon fades in the
Western sky just
As my spirit fades within me.
When will I allow God to bring the light
Into my soul?
Pleading for a Savior
I lose my spirit and
Go into survival mode
Just doing what must be done-
Day by day
Moment by moment
The tears are there but I just hold them till I escape to a better place to release them.
I sit here on my parents breezeway but the air is still stagnant.
I gasp for life.
It doesn’t help.
My lungs won't work.
The air stays on my tongue.
And I lose hope again.
I've so much to be thankful for. How easily I forget. When will I lose myself to others?
The mind is crammed.
The stomach is aching.
The heart is broken.
The spirit is gone.
The soul is vacant.
The mind is losing brains cells with each crisis.
I must take hold of myself. Get over myself and release it!
The sun brightens in the
Eastern sky.
When will I allow God's Son to brighten me?
The moon fades in the
Western sky just
As my spirit fades within me.
When will I allow God to bring the light
Into my soul?
Time to let go and let God is always the right path to take!
Slowly learning that a stroke must be recovered slowly by everyone taking care of the patient as well.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 101 Seasons
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Day 100 Dad is home!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Day 94 seeking Balance and finding Syncronicity
I love when things line up. Been focusing on balance all year and it's been hard but I've learned that to have balance things must first be imbalanced so that's a good thing. My life has certainly been out of balance for a while but this year is the real test. At least since May 31st when Dad had his stroke. Well, tomorrow he comes home!!!!! Praying we are all up to the task of caregiving now needed.
I also find it a direct blessing when synchronicity happens. (You know at the same providential time.) Well, after writing the piece on listening yesterday, I received a phone tree message from our pastor about . . . L I S T E N I N G! So trying hard to listen for lessons to strengthen, bless and heal my hurting body, mind and soul!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Day 93 conflicting messages
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Day 92 Multiple messages

from today's devotions but basic message is from
Deuteronomy 33:25
"Your strength will equal you days."
Boy! Was I needing to hear that about now!?
It was from God's heart to mine!
With a never ending source,
my strength will prevail.
Though my mind and body
go limp with fatique,
I will find power
in the spirit of God within.
With the never failing
band of prayer warriors,
I will be a survivor.
Nothing on earth or below
can hold me back;
with God on my side, gently leading me,
I will most assuredly see the promise kept.
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