Thursday, September 02, 2010

finding a way to cope

No room for me in my own life.

The happy trusting soul has vanished.

The believing spirit is a diminished entity.

The creative recluse wants to disappear.

The ”fill in the blank to everyone”, is rapidly dying of overuse.

When will I find peace and rest again?

When will I have space to breathe again?

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

He is my healer; I shall not hurt.

He is my comforter; I shall not fret.

He is my shelter; I shall not be vulnerable.

He is my friend; I shall not be lonesome.

He is my hope; I shall not despair.

He is my peace; I shall not struggle.

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall be blessed.

(find all you need in the Lord)

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