Tuesday, March 26, 2013

past present future

Yesterday is past.

Yesterday is a memory.

Yesterday is gone.

Yesterday is a gift from God.

Today is all we have.

Today is all we need.

Today is a chance to do better.

Today is a gift from God.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Tomorrow holds new hopes and chances.

Tomorrow is full of promise.

Tomorrow is a gift from God.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Today is the only day I can live.

Today is the way to a better tomorrow.

Today is the way from an imperfect yesterday.

Today is all I have.

all words and images are original unless otherwise stated.
feel free to use but please reference me or the blog.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

if you don't ask you can't receive

Lord, in your mercy,

Do not let me lose sight of joy that still exists.

Do not keep perfect vision of hope unclear.

Do not allow me to stumble on the right path.

Do not stop my dreams from becoming reality.

Do not prevent me to starve my insecurity.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

if wishes came true

I wish I could simply speak my mind without apology. I want to simply live my life without excuse. I need to simply go my God-directed path without regret. I desire a day to day existence without defense. I pray to simply breathe without need for simple confession to what it takes to inhale and exhale. I have to simply subsist without justification. I will go on after all this drama and fear ends simply with no need for explanation. I am continuing simply with no pretense of being what others expect or need or want me to be for their own comfortable life. This is my manifesto! This is my constitution. This is my vow. This is my hope for simply surviving the remaining days on this earth without inauthenticity.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Most of the time, you already know the answers!

I stand empty and shivering in the last days of my winter’s discontent.
Believe in your life’s purpose and listen to God’s directions.

Study your thoughts and expect God to lead them.

Go into the night gently and find rest for your weary soul that God placed there.

Expect God’s blessings to continue to flow and know your worth is far above rubies.

So how do I believe what good I write and ignore what worries me?

How do I trust what I know in my heart is God’s power and will and love?

When do I follow his divine order and feel the almighty potential he lays in front of me?

Where do I leave my burdens and troubles and forget to go back and get them again?

Who knows the answers to all my deepest troubles?

Why do I not just trust God to take them all into his capable hands and make them disappear?

What is wrong with me, a person of great confidence in God and my convictions?

So here I sit, I know my life is good. I have to just act like I believe it. That’s half the battle. Half of all the good we experience in life is by choice and belief. If you act like your happy then you can be happy. If you smile you can find a little happiness. If you look for good, you will find it. If you work at your goals with the expectance of them coming true, they can. You must open up to the possibilities of all the “good” that is waiting for you, to see them. If you blink or waste one minute fretting, you lose the chance.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

think like you wish to be

A gentle wave of air flows through a field of broom straw

But a strong wave of fear moves through my body.

A bright sun sears my soul with comfort and warmth.

But a bright light of heat burns into my heart with doubt and anger.

The bare trees of winter stand swelling with the beauty of spring hope

But I stand empty and shivering in the last days of my winter’s discontent.

Believe in your life’s purpose and listen to God’s directions.

Study your thoughts and expect God to lead them.

Go into the night gently and find rest for your weary soul that God placed there.

Expect God’s blessings to continue to flow and know your worth is far above rubies.

So how do I believe what good I write and ignore what worries me?

How do I trust what I know in my heart is God’s power and will and love?

When do I follow his divine order and feel the almighty potential he lays in front of me?

Where do I leave my burdens and troubles and forget to go back and get them again?

Who knows the answers to all my deepest troubles?

Why do I not just trust God to take them all into his capable hands and make them disappear?

What is wrong with me, a person of great confidence in God and my convictions?

So here I sit, I know my life is good. I have to just act like I believe it. That’s half the battle. Half of all the good we experience in life is by choice and belief. If you act like your happy then you can be happy. If you smile you can find a little happiness. If you look for good, you will find it. If you work at your goals with the expectance of them coming true, they can. You must open up to the possibilities of all the “good” that is waiting for you, to see them. If you blink or waste one minute fretting, you lose the chance.

Friday, March 08, 2013

one day... maybe today.....

One day I will tear down the walls that surround my heart.

One day I will remove the shards of glass that pierce my soul.

One day I will get rid of the pain that sears my spirit.

One day I will delete the negative thoughts that raid my mind.

Lord, in your mercy, I pray that day is today.

Pain and suffering teach us to persevere with Christ.

Doubt and questions help clarify our faith in Christ.

Anger and frustration propel us to cling to Christ.

Hopelessness and misery leads us to stay with Christ.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

hiding in words and images

I hide within my journal. I disguise myself with my images. I go deep within my imagination and try to disappear there. It seldom lasts though. A call, an issue, or a problem presents itself just as I almost disappear completely. I wish I could. I wish I could just walk into one of my pieces and become a part of it. I could become the blue sky and float away or I could turn into one of the textured rocks and meld with it. Maybe I could become a paper doll and have a whole new personality. Perhaps I could simply be the letter E on the page and be multiplied enough times to not even be seen anymore. I would like to find a new life in a simple wash of cerulean and opera on a smooth piece of watercolor paper. A drizzle of cadmium yellow running down the piece of paper and becoming a sunshiny flower, would be perfection. A new piece of busy, collage would be a wonderful place to conceal my true identity. A thesaurus page of synonyms for joy or a dictionary page of peaceful terms could sincerely send me away into euphoria. This would be my escape. This would be my saving grace. This would be my idea of new life.

Monday, March 04, 2013

questions and simply focusing

Simply focus on the blue patches of sky between the gray clouds.

Simply release the negative thoughts and trade them for positive ones.

Simply choose to be grateful for all the many blessings.

Simply believe in God’s strength building power.

Simply trust and accept God’s divine order.

Simply increase your faith and shrink your doubt.

Simply give from your heart and improve your attitude.

Simply forgive and forget.

Simply allow your anger to shrink and your calm will grow.

Simply surrender to God what is God’s and let the days take you where they will.

Well, maybe it’s not all that simple but with concerted effort and practice you can become better.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

find the words and pretend

It’s okay to pretend I’m somewhere else, somebody else, something else.

It’s okay to pretend I have a normal life, normal thoughts and act normal.

It’s okay to pretend to be a good artist, a good wife, a good mother, a good daughter, a good person.

It’s okay to pretend I am happy, content, talented, concerned, real.

It’s okay to pretend I am authentically artistic, creative, imaginative, inventive, original, inspired, resourceful, innovative, ingenious, unique.