Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I am saddened byt our world.

The world is so cruel. Why don’t we let GOD rule?  He can do it all but we must be willing to work for Him.  Crime. Drugs. Hate. Anger. Sex. Alcohol. LGBTQ. SIN! All sin! When will we just speak up and be the Christians we claim we are.
Churches are becoming entertainment centers.
Families are becoming time management conglomerations.
Jobs are not careers and callings.
Schools are run by administrators afraid to stand up for education.
Neighborhoods are bed and breakfasts.

Old adages and models are considered obsolete in today’s world. Old fashion even. Christianity, salvation, heaven, and hell are not obsolete or old fashion. They are real. They are important. No matter what they are real. Live right or not we will all die eventually and heaven is where we want to be. Not hell. Those are the only two choices. People better get real. There is an afterlife and hell is not where anyone wants to be. It’s hot. It’s fiery. It’s uncomfortable.  It’s painful.  The Bible is not a folk tale. It’s filled with truth.  It’s filled with love. It’s filled with guidance. It’s filled with answers this world needs. NOW! It’s so simple. It’s basic. How do we get the world on board? It takes compassion. It takes hope. It takes effort. It takes commitment. It takes a change of heart and a deep faith.

How do we fix this world?

Each and every person.

Get on your knees.
Ask for God’s forgiveness.
Commit yourself to Him and His will.
Go out and share His word and truth.
Ask Him to give you opportunities to show His importance to a broken world.

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