Saturday, March 28, 2020

thoughts from my deck this morning

Dear Lord

You know my prayer list better than I do.

You know the needs better than I do

You are with us and assure us minute by minute



In Your stillness

It’s time for me to leave the past behind and walk boldly into tomorrow

Beauty and truth awaits

I will increase my faith

With Your wisdom

Your presence

Trample my enemies

Protect those I love

Help me accept your will

Love & amen
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Psalm 111:10

These difficult times teach us patience and peace in the things that matter.

Even with the world staying home and waiting out the Coronavirus, there are positives: less political ads, more prayer, less anger, more grace
Blessed assurance; Jesus in mine (ours).
“The business of life is the acquisition of memories.” Carson, Downton Abbey

Maybe God should place His Divine Order TO STAY HOME IN HIS WORD no and after the Coronavirus. We are not to forget His mercies and goodness.

 In His stillness, we find: hope, healing, peace, joy, comfort, strength and blessings.

A perfect Christian (unlikely) in this lifetime.
In all the sweetness of blue skies, birds, and prayers, I suddenly smell a skunk. Satan is attacking my quiet time on my deck this morning BUT GOD STILL WINS! EVERYTIME!

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