Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Beginnings-Pottery?

Just when I think I'm making strides in my regular art quest, I sign on for a new task.........since I somehow ended up back in the classroom this time last year after deciding to give up my teaching license, I am now taking some classes to add art to my teaching license and renew it again. I took Design and Art History in the fall and enjoyed both, not a stretch but now I am taking ceramics and it's a whole new ball game.......never done any pottery and not a 3-D artist at all although I did make a shadow box in Design and am now trying to make a couple of small shrines but not as simple as you think. It's all about perfection and hand building coil by tedius coil. The second pot is giving me more difficulty than the first. Here is the first just before finishing up and getting ready to fire......more to come in the pottery saga...

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