Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Creative Integrity

Don't you hate it when you have to make art that is acceptable as a creative effort even when your style is to throw caution to the wind and be as free, tacky and different as you want. I'me dealing with that right now by changing the styles of collage for gifts I am making for family.

Look at the two and see which you find more creative. Let me know what you think.

Also, I am getting work ready to show at the local Little Theater for their holiday production.

Of course I feel obligated to show what the public accept rather than who I am as an artist.

PS I also realize that people who read other people's blogs get disappointed when they check a few times and see no updates but as all of us I stay busy just staying afloat so I tend to blog only when I have something new to say or show. Be patient with me.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

a day of FrUsTrAtIoN

I hate to start stuff and not finish....

With a yard full of oaks though you never finish getting up leaves until late winter or early spring.

So I spent 2 1/2 hours getting up the piles in the front yard and then got the lawn mower out to cut up and pile up more until suddenly the mower wouldn't move! Belt! I think but it appears to be in place. Leaf clog! No!

So there it sits waiting for Terry to get home and figure it out and get himself frustrated.

Did some cleaning and sorting but too much to finish in one day so I here I sit writing this and waiting to finish the leaves, finish dinner, and get on with my evening plans.

But how BEAUTIFUL fall is despite the frustration of leaf maintenance............

Monday, November 06, 2006

Good Motivation

Even though artists, true artists, must make and create and perform even when there's not a request or commission....
it is great motivation to receive some validation.
I won a Merit Award in the Gaston Co. Art Guild members only Miniature art show.
The Road to a Friends House is Never Long

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Always Learning

I was making great progress on my commission for UAC holiday concert, even had a color test piece started when I discovered a huge
error. One that even existed on the Christmas card piece of Unity Place from long ago. The steeple was not right. I guess I could have gone with and called it artistic license but it really bothered me, so I tape paper over the error, redrew it right, then it was too big for the size I'm trying to do to make it work for the printer; I reduced it at the post office copier last night after Bible study, came home and put it on the light box, traced it on wc paper; finally I think it's ready to start again. Everything is a learning experience. I keep telling my kids that drawing is mostly looking and seeing and I didn't follow my own advice.
Here is today's verse given by God...Autumn's Golden Light.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006