and who are blogs for?
I blog to sort out my thoughts. I blog to share. I blog to give. I blog instead of therapy.
Blogs are for those of us who need to share and recieve. We read other people's blogs to learn of the similarity and differences in people. We read them to learn what and how others are doing, how they get through life and how they assimilate all of it. I love to see the way others best describe their feelings and the lovely images they create to enhance the world. Having journaled since about 11 years old, I have only blogged for the last 2 years. I think blogs are one of the neatest things you can do with your computer. Sharing our blogs are even more of a joy since so many are out there doing it! I'm totally addicted and glad so many have posted "positive" comments and feedback.
Image is my first attempt at using found metal junk and other odds and ends to create sculpture. It is of course inspired by Michael DeMeng. I love his work. Google his name and you will be delighted.
Chris, this looks like it was so much fun to do. I love your blog.
I love your found art piece. I have only been blogging since
Oct07. I have journaled ever since I can remember. I just love writing and doing art. You're right about why we blog.
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