Friday, October 10, 2008

Self inposed or not

Do you ever impose unnecessary tasks on yourself? I do. Always have and always will but it's how I tick. I seem to get into all these details before leaving for a special trip. You have all the travel stuff to do but I seem to end up with a million and one others too. I've been busy senselessly trying to get everything done before my week at Kiawah-a week without a care in the world except for BEACH WALKING, FAMILY, WRITING AND ART! To get there I:

work, cook, tidy, clean, paint, photograph, enter, lose, win, buy, teach, shop, pay, launder, dry, fold, swab, rub, vacuum, mop, call, answer, call again, answer again, click, smile, frown, reply, commiserate, listen, talk, help, pray, plead, support, encourage, straighten, file, organize, bake, wrap, plan, and on and on the list goes.

Will I be able to relax when I get there? Counting on it!

Life is a journey

Searching for spirit

Life is a pilgrimage

Finding peace

LIfe is a mission

Knowing the Savior

Life is a passage

Crossing into eternity

Image is Kiawah last October!


Christy said...

I sure hope you are enjoying your time at the beach! Here is something to add to your to do list when you get back... I have tagged you!

Linda East said...

Hey little have been tagged over on Timeless Treasures..check it out...Gotcha...Luv U