Friday, November 06, 2009

Day 159 Obsessions and Attractions

I find as an artist, I become more obsessed with ideas, places, people and things. Any and everything art (books, supplies, making art, viewing get the picture.) I also love words (their power, meanings, mine and others, arranging, finding new ones...) I am absolutely passionate about reading art blogs. It's like walking into other artists' studios, or even better their secret see how, where, what, when, who and why into their creative souls.

My latest obsession seems to keep taking me to the Laws of Attraction. I believe there must be some truth there. I have always tried to look at the sunny side of life (though it has been increasingly difficult for the last 6 months.) Finding the good, the possitive always makes me feel better even if only briefly. I firmly believe it is possible to drown out negativity with positivity. Just try it for one whole day. If you aren't convinced then maybe it's all a hoax.

Here are some recent resources I have found to support this idea:

The Secret by Karen Byrne

and still my own belief in "happiness begets happiness."

A quote to ponder:

"Whatever we think about, we bring about" Dr. J Demartini

And don't forget the GOSPEL from the BIBLE:

Ask, Believe and Receive!

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