Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 168 A year of Balance

As you may remember, my word for the year was Balance. I've found it! Making it through the past 6 months proves it. Balance is not what I thought it was though. It's not about being complete, even or perfect. It requires allowing the scale to tilt when needed to what needs the most attention at any given time. It's about knowing when to say 'enough". It's also about knowing when to give more attention to one person than another. It's about knowing you, yourself, already get too much attention and it's time to share it. Balance is about understanding when things need to be adjusted for safety, health or peace. Balance was the right word for me this year. I am considering several words and trying to prayerfully choose the right one for next year. I'll share those thoughts in another post at another time. For now I challenge you to look at the balance in your own life. AND maybe consider choosing a word to focus on for 2010 rather than making resolutions that are almost always impossible to keep.

The image is a miniature prismacolor piece from last year's miniature show.

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