I close my eyes and see all the good in my life.
I shut out the world’s noise, listen and hear God’s gentle
voice speak comfort to my spirit.
I forget the pain and fear and feel an embrace from the Holy
I leave my memories of illness and death’s door and breathe
in the sweet birth of a new spring, a new start.
I disregard the intoxicating taste of chocolate and taste
the summer fruit of abundant blessings.
I want to wake everyday with these uplifting thoughts. They
are always there I just need to recognize them. I must halt in the midst of any
dread and just observe. I must feel them, see them, taste them, hear them and
sense them. It sounds simple doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. It takes effort, only
minimal. It’s a habit that can be acquired with little practice. It’s a skill
the world needs desperately. The world is too full of itself. It needs an open
heart, a willing spirit, and a hopeful mind and soul. Every single day God
gives us beauty to appreciate; sounds to treasure; and more grace than
deserved. He wants to give it to each of us in great abundance. We must simple
accept it. We must share it. We must allow Him to come into life and takeover.
Life would be so extremely easy if we would just say, “God, here I am. Here’s
my life. Take it. It’s yours anyway. It needs your touch.” The moment we can do
this, life will forever be more magnificent than we can ever imagine.
Easter is on the horizon. Lent begins today along with this
special day of showing love to those we adore. There is no need to give up
things like chocolate and coffee. We only need to give up our hand in our own
lives. Let God in. Thank him for the gift of His Son. Listen to His Holy
Spirit. Live by His commands. Believe His mission. Be His hands in a needy land
in your own back yard. Be His voice to a lost lamb. Be His strength to a weak
soul. Be His love to a broken heart.