Wednesday, January 30, 2019

finding a brave heart


I’m trying so hard to surrender all to God. It’s maybe the hardest thing yet. I know if I truly follow him closely all things will work for good. I will find rest, peace, strength, and hope. If I can truly trust him I can truly be happy, satisfied, settled, and content. Why is it so hard? We know the benefits of Christ and yet we keep clinging to old ways that do not serve us very well.


Lord, make me a vessel for your love.

Give me the peace to heal.

Show me the way to mend my broken ways.

Help me find the answers to all my pains and fears.

Grant me grace to feel happy and content.

Lead me in your path of righteousness.

Remove me from my self-inflicted bruises.

Make me whole again.

Forgive me and let me live in mercy forevermore.


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