Sunday, June 07, 2020

Current reflection on the world of chaos!

Reading Maria Shriver’s  Sunday Paper. Of course she is as always speaking to the current world issues. In this case the racial unrest (again). This time the man who was brutalized by police and died. Now we know he was not the upstanding citizen the people tried to make him. He was black and the police were white. They have honored him in numerous protests, walks, signage, and services. How is that possible? Being a criminal, big or small, is no reason to be killed but neither is killing a criminal to be considered as a reason to honor him, just because he is black. What is wrong with our world today? It is not racism. It is not anger. It is not pain. It is not illness. IT IS LACK OF GOD. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
If people will follow God’s word, examples, and teachings, the world will find the peace it needs. The world can find hope. The world can know joy again. If people will forgive and look forward, they will know abundant life. If people will simply think before speaking or reacting, the world will benefit. Everything you think does not have to be stated aloud. Everything you want doesn’t always come to you. No one gets or deserves everything they want. Grace, mercy and love, stronger faith, gratitude, and forgiveness heals.
Pray. Talk to God. Request from God. But LISTEN twice as much. Share resources. Ask for nothing in return. Extend love.

Return to God’s simple rule
DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU! Sounds simple, silly even, it is not. It can

heal a world. It can heal a relationship. It can heal all ills, socially, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.
The world is falling apart because God has been ignored, left out and forgotten. Take a little time today and talk to Him and be sure to listen too. He will guide you. If we each do this, we will see change. The change we have been looking for. The answers start there.
We are being tested. We are being tempted. We are failing. It is time to choose God, know God, and show God to others, to a world of hurting others. We cannot do this alone but together, even in a small community or congregation, progress can occur and people will heal, reach out and support.
In another direction. I know that I will have less room at Vinewood for my art but I will take what I can get, at this moment, along one wall.


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