Monday, June 22, 2020

The Message doesn't change!

Yesterday I was reading in one of my devotionals from Unity. (One of my son’s former Sunday school teachers gave me a subscription to Daily Word, a Unity devotional.) This book was about healing. I was enjoying it until I came upon a story about a gay male couple. I was so upset I threw it away. How can a Christian publication not know the scripture? How can they rewrite it and make it okay. God calls it an abomination. I believe it. I will not renew my subscription and I will send a note saying why.  I will no longer use their prayer line. This is the trajectory all over the world and I do not like it. It is the reason so much is wrong in the world. Who knows? Maybe it even caused the pandemic. It’s so hard to explain to believers, let alone non-believers. Maybe there are too many versions of the Bible. God’s word is God breathed. His word states truth when it is read from the original translation. There are too many versions that not only try to take out thee’s and thou’s but it takes out truth. Lord, we need your guidance in putting your truth out in the world and keeping it out in the forefront. People need to know what God really said and says. His message does not change. Never has. Never will.

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