There's a wonderful site with a wonderful newsletter where you can get help choosing a word focus: http://christinekane.com. I had pretty much chosen this word in November but I waited to be sure. After using her wonderful tool yesterday, I found it to be the right word for me. Actually it involves a second word UNLEASH. You can't release without unleashing as well. I usually choose my word by thinking about what I need to work on and how I can do it and almost magically a word starts to appear everywhere and stand out as if highlighted or italicised and I know then it is the right word. I will share more and more about my word and progress as usual but will be brief here.
As you have been reading here for sometime, the past seven months have been difficult. My aging parents are dealing with many health issues; I am aging and dealing with my own issues but I have always dealt with family traits that have increasingly caused me problems with stomach, nerves, thoughts and actions. Release is a way to approach these issues. In a nutshell, I am hoping to release some of the underlying causes to my hysteria and psychoses. In one short explanation: I hope to release "all" (is that possible?) negative energy and unleash even more positive energy.) Note: this could also continue to support last year's focus, balance. That's right! You never forget former focus words. You continue to build and work toward your goals of being as strong as you can be.
I hope you decide to choose a focus word. For many it works better than resolutions. It's more flexible and a guide for every day. Not something you decide and by January 7 have forgotten or given up on. It stays with you and you continue to grow and learn how to be a better person each day of the year. One last hint, be sure to place the word in strategic places so you never stop focusing on it!