Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 212 Good thoughts and remedies

Spent a late Christmas celebration with family yesterday. It was a time to realize just how fortunate I am. I have so much to be thankful for. I often forget, whine, and complain about too much I don't have or wish I had or would like to have. Truth is I HAVE IT ALL! Health, family, friends, enough to survive many lifetimes. So here is the way to have it all yourself. Focus on the good in each day. Give thanks each day (each moment) of your life. Tell those you love how much they mean to you, for it could change in the next minute. Share your good thoughts and blessings with others. Don't ever feel you can go it alone. You need people. (Barbara Streistand new what she was singing.) Blessings to each of my readers out there. I am thankful for you as well and ask God that you too may HAVE IT ALL in 2010.
Image is part collage and part drawing.

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