Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 192 Time and Life

Days to months to years

where does it all go?

Workload to finish.

We live from project to project.

Responsibility to responsibilty.

We burn the time we are given.

Often we focus on the wrong things

and suddenly this life we have

is used up! What have we to show for it?

Dreading opportunities to make us grow.

Wishing away challenges to make us a better people.

Hoping for easy lives that are never realized.

Believing life to be simply one of details;

details we must learn to cherish.

Treasure the days.

Feel lucky for the months.

Be blessed by the years.

Share every breath of your life.

The good and bad.

The tears and laughter.

The lean and fat.

The fears and joys.

Life is meant to be lived.

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