Tuesday, March 31, 2009


If you haven't discovered Soul Journaling with Sarah Whitmire. Do so now. It's full of new ideas and ways to spark your art journaling, journaling in general and creative voice.

and check out the pages I've done thus far.


Know thyself.

Share thy gifts.

Find thy soul.

Know thy heart.

Share thy love.

Find thy joy.

Know thy purpose.

Share thy way.

Find thy grace.

Know thy Savior.

Share thy God.

Find they Spirit!
Image is from art journal....text reads....no one knew just how multifaceted she truly was but she knew...........................

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lessons from all directions

The bright eastern sky

lights the way to grace and peace.

The warm southern breeze

fuels the love in my heart.

The colorful western expanse

creates a miracle in my soul.

The cool northern rain

releases the joyous tears of my spirit

and balance is felt.


I try to be who I am

but no one permits it.

I force it and no one understands it.

I am an





but no one believes it.

I do so they must.

It means I must have

space and time to develop these gifts.

inspiration and ephemera to perform these talents, and

hope and trust to enhance these skills.

Exploring my faith I find truth

and the truth sets us free!


Image is from a new art journal of images using the Soul Journal prompts from the Yahoo group of the same name begun by Sarah Whitmire. Check out her blog at http://sarahwhitmire.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 29, 2009

some things I must share

encouraging words and images........

Words are needed.
Words for encouragement.
Words for focus.
Words for direction.
Words for guidance.
Words to share.
Words to hear.
Words to whisper.
Words to hold.
Words to silence.
Words to praise.
Words to feel.
Words to understand.
Words to question.
Words to answer.
Words to believe.
Words to trust.
Words to give.
Words to receive.
Words to ponder.
Words to forgive.
Words to thank.
Words to know.

simple and fun watercolor background

Simply draw a maze on your page with a permanent felt tip. Add watercolor to areas. Journal in the spaces. Gesso shapes ( I chose squares) on top of this. A bright and easy start for a blank page in your journal. Now, simply add more art on top; more text or journling, collage, transfer, painted pic or anything you choose. It' nice as is....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just text

Realized that the words on my graphic may be difficult to read so here is the text.


Friday, March 27, 2009

An older piece

Sense of God

God is so close;
I feel His cool touch
on my warm brow.

God is so close;
I hear His gentle words
in nature surrounding me.

God is so close;
I taste His sweetness
from the earth.

God is so close;
I smell His cleansing breath
redeeming my very soul.

God is so close;
I see His kind demeanor
in all of His creation.

These words were written about 10 years ago but thought I'd share again.

Image is collaged piece (actual, then digital) called "Protect Your Heart"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scattered thoughts

Foggy morning.

Foggy mind.

Thoughts of peace.

Thoughts of blessings.

Remembered joys.

Remembered hope.

Believe in love.

Believe in life.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

lessons in balance

Though the morning walk was grey and drizzly,

there were lessons to learn.

The grey drizzly days help the spring blossoms

to grow and glow.

The grey drizzly days hydrate the earth

keeping it strong and healthy.

The grey drizzly days don't stop the birds singing

their beautiful songs.

The grey drizzly days feel good to the tiny snail in his shell

that was moving along the road, well, at a snail's pace.

The grey drizzly days slow me down to think about the

many blessings in my life and give thanks.

Maybe I grow and glow too from this balance lesson.

Image is a bit of color wheel me for the grey day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's only pain;

God is stronger.

He can heal.

It's only noise;

God is louder.

He can whisper.

It's only words;

God's are better.

He can lift.

It's only life;

God's way is holy.

His is eternal.



is possible

in quiet or noise,

in sun or rain,

in good or bad,

in joy or pain.

Just trust God;

follow God and

believe God.

Image is tree woman (My and the tree's shadow as one) much like we should be with God throughout our day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

allow nature to heal

A beautiful serene sunrise

revives a tired body.

The birds melodic songs

awaken a weary spirit.

A long walk at daybreak

gives energy for a busy day.

The greening of spring

sends hope to a hurting soul.

As the day closes

allow God's beauty to send you peace.

Following His peace daily

will surely bring balance to life.

Image is a group of rocks for visualizing balance.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


God speaks guidance.

We are deaf.

God questions devotion.

We are mute.

God perfumes earth.

We are congested.

God gives sweetness.

We are tasteless.

God reaches out.

We are numb.


we will keep hoping and praying...

to hear him,

to converse with him,

to know his aroma,

to taste his goodness, and

to feel his love and presence in our lives daily.

Been trying to get these thoughts together and finally today I am happy with the results.

Image is more shadow play.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Do they perpetually hide behind what others expect of them? Why aren't they allowed to just be who they are? Is beauty only on the surface? Must a woman change to be accepted and appreciated? Size? Hair color? Clothing style? Nose? Breasts? Has the world become blind to inner beauty? It's time women are who they are, healthy and strong, no matter their outer appearance.

Be the real you!
Images are me in a mask and computer altered profile.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

the gentle cooing of a mourning dove

brings solace to my soul

the trees silouetted in fog

give me courage and strength

the pacing of the neighbor's caged dog

reminds me of my freedom

my life is blessed

image is drawn in watercolor on top of paste paper and words in ink

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

good overcomes

on the verge

lost in tears

hope must prevail

on the edge

pierced in the side

love will outlast

on the top

plagued by world

peace will win

image from mixed media self portrait series

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Creativi-tea Challenge

I participated in a wonderful Zetti Zine swap through Artella website. One participant offered a creativi-tea challenge to create a zetti tea. Here is my result.

Also check out Lori's blog


Give hope a chance.

Believe in serentiy.

Trust your your instinct.

Find answers through prayer.

When adversity comes and it will,

Quiet your mind

Through prayer.

Trust your heart.

Allow God

to restore balance of heart and spirit.

Find a calm place.

Sit alone.

Empty your mind.

Yield to the Holy spirit.

Receive ministering.

Peace will return.

Thoughts will calm.

Monday, March 16, 2009

an artist's duty

the joy to behold

a garden in a single flower

the wisdom to know human nature

in a child's sweet face

the beauty of expressing

the soul of an object

the ability of seeing

inner sacredness of creation

this is the duty of an artist

macro image taken of early blooms on a wild cherry tree

Sunday, March 15, 2009

TIme to say thanks again

to all the readers of this blog and to say how much I appreciate your kind responses.

I am blessed to have God share wonderful words and thoughts with me and I enjoy matching them with images I create to share. When it touches another in a similar way it has touched me is a double blessing. Journaling, creating art and sharing it is what I enjoy.

Here is a free image to use for your own art, journaling, and inspiration.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

anything is possible

believe in possibility

affirm optimism

receive blessings

express gratitude

share bounty

discover balance
image is mixed media self portrait,
began with a photo,
traced onto scrap envelope with inside pattern,
added color with Prismacolor stix

Thursday, March 12, 2009

so simple and yet so hard

a tired body

produces a weary mind

a weary mind

leads to prayer

prayer leads to balance

another self portrait mixed media creation

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More self portrait work

Digital manipulation for shadows of me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My backyard retreat

is quiet except for birds' songs, an occasional whir of a car on the highway, an airplane and a couple of dogs barking as if to say "I'm awake! Ain't life grand?"

The early spring chill in the air makes the hot coffee even tastier. My heart feels joy and peace, one step closer to balance. I continually remind myself that balance doesn't happen in a day or every day even. It's a daily exercise in choosing priorities and knowing a Savior who is always there. Trusting God is the easy part. Giving Him complete control is harder but I highly recommend it.

When a need arises,

pray to God the Father.

When guidance is sought

follow Christ the Son.

When wisdom is required

fill up on the Holy Spirit.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Morning bliss

The first few moments of the day

are most sacred.

As the sun breaks the horizon

I acknowledge God's protection through the night.

The hawk's silent flight

at dawn to find breakfast

makes me realize my own comfort

in walking into a kitchen for breakfast choices.

The morning serenade by the birds

reminds me that there is

much in life for which to praise God.

As the sky deepens to a Carolina blue

my soul is content and balanced.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Slowly reading for habitation
Time brings change.
Sizing down;
Making do;
Content with less;
Soul searching begins.
What's important?
What's needed?
Life cycles amaze me still.

Before walking at Fernwood…
Deafening the silence
My thoughts screaming,
Too loud.
Maybe I can find peace somewhere.

Juxtaposed by a once again full creek,
Quiets the babbling in my mind.
Warm sun on my back strengthens my cold spirit.
Apart from worldly noise,
Nature soothes my raw nerves.
Believing in recovery,
Restores hope to my tired body.
Having unfailing faith returns
Joy for living.

Forever hopeful.
Never faithless.
Always trusting.
Completely content.
Nature reestablishes
A sense of balance.

A traveling spirit
Calms a wandering soul.
A moving body calms
A praiseless heart.
A hopeful prayer
Appeases a doubtful soul

Take time apart
From draining routine.
Step aside from daily grind.
Give your soul and spirit
A 5 minute break for silence.
Soothing sounds of creeks flowing,
Birds singing, and praise for God through song.
Find the peace you yearn for.
Carry back to daily schedules,
These moments.
In the midst of craziness
Your heart will lift.
Your step will lighten.
Your breathing will steady.
You will know balance.

Do this daily.
And hope.

Survive life's fast balls.

My natural retreat--Fernwood.
Much like St. Francis would have enjoyed,
Or Christ's time alone in the wilderness sans satan.
Or God on the 7th day after the creation….

Friday, March 06, 2009


God's spirit

reaches into our souls

and protects our lives.

God's word

reaches into our heart

and gives us wisdom.

God's love

reaches into the world

and gives us hope.

image is what to do with leftover paints at the end of a session

combined with quotes

Thursday, March 05, 2009

sometimes you just need to play like a kid

Made paste paper designs with my kids at the Y yesterday. Next week we will cut them up and make collage pictures. I pulled out my old designs and made a few new ones too....the exercise opened up the muse to me and if it weren't for a whole host of other activities for the afternoon I could have played for hours. My point? When the muse is absent, play like a kid. Use kid friendly ideas and just let it flow. Here are my results.

off the top of my head-snowed under

rambling thoughts today....2 entried accepted in local juried show....trying to find more ways to get organized and have the time I want to devote to more art...are we really sure the clock only counts out 24 hours...to each...mine is surely missing a couple...plus get all the rest and quiet time I need...time to spend with the Lord...time to serve others and be a friend....I know all women have similar struggles but sometimes we feel like the lone ranger...doing it all, being it all, having some of it....my pie is cut so eradically and of all years I chose this one to seek balance...well, I guess you just have to face all the time bandits to make any strides in going the distance....here's to all you women out there trying to fit it all in and not quite coming up to your own expectations...let's take 5...breathe....close your eyes and repeat over and over till it sinks in...

Lord, in your mercy!

a little digital fun...if only I could clone myself!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Handprint of God

My footprints in the snow

remind me of God's handprint in my life.

Always with me

in every day events,

in joy and sadness,

God's handprints are

invisible to the eye.

Felt strongly in my heart,

seen in my soul, and

evident in my growing faith,

His hand is with me.


on a cold day

God's warmth permeates

my soul

my spirit is cozy

within a body of faith

though the world

is frigid, I will stay

snug in the embrace

of a loving Father

nothing can take that from me

image is from my journal; my hand print on paper from Somerset Studios, with ink enhancement and photos of me in the fingers

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

God's protection

trusting God for loved one's safety

is an ongoing act of faith

placed in His loving hands

He gives them comfort

when hearts are hurting

heals bodies

when ill and broken

and strengthens spirits

when weak and lost

He never leaves nor forsakes

He's always there and everywhere

I can't be

that in turn comforts me

and lifts my spirit

my family in the snow

Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow dreams

Cleansing white

Beautifully bright

God's hand

Wintry land

True love

Heaven above

Snow cream

Happy dream

Memories past

Joyful forecast

Heart held

Forever jelled

Image is beautiful NC snowfall.