Tuesday, May 12, 2009

from another's mouth to your ears

If you are a blogger or a blog reader you find yourself obsessed with reading too many blogs. So much is shared that is a common thread among people. Someone else speaks and your heart remembers. Someone else writes something and your soul identifies. Someone else describes something and you think "that could be me.' I read so many blogs I enjoy for content, images, emotions and inspirations. Do you remember Angela Cartwright, the little girl actress? She was a favorite I enjoyed as I grew up and now she's a world class artist and photographer as well. I truly enjoy her artwork and blog. Here is the link to it http://acartwrightstudio.blogspot.com/ and I particularly enjoyed her post on April 17 (Things I've learned) so check it out for yourself and see if you don't get hooked as well. And you just may want to make your own list.

another journal image....this one is digital completely......

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