Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Christian Overcoming Superstious Ways

Things are going so well….it scares me. Raised by a superstitious family I often find myself acting and thinking in superstitious ways and I hate it. How does a Christian allow this to happen? Dad's stress test went so well. NO HEART PROBLEMS!

Now if Mom can get a good report tomorrow, I will be super elated!!!! I recently won an honorable mention in the I Am Woman annual art show. I learned today that I received an honorable mention in the AARP Calendar contest. I had no problems at the dentist! What if my good streak of good news ends here? I will be thankful, count my blessings and move forward by faith! (She says as she shrinks behind a tree! AND where does lightening strike? YIKES!)

Lord in your mercy,
I, your humble servant, thank you!

and here is the piece that I submitted to AARP:

"Last Winter Moon"
(theme for calendar was gifts of nature)

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