Monday, December 29, 2008

Focus word for 2009 chosen


This has been a need for so long and I realized this weekend it was past due to focus on it.I did some research and learned that it's a problem for many. Trying to balance our life with work, relationships, self needs and creative time is always difficult but I think it is hardest for artists of all kinds. As an artist you MUST have uninterrupted time to hone your skills, research your projects, complete projects and find inspiration for them. Now as a writer as well as visual artist, I find the need even more important. The other side of the coin is that if you aren't balanced in other areas: nutrition, exercise, spiritual needs etc, then the creativity becomes difficult as well. SO it is a CATCH 22 situation. A balance of BODY, MIND and SPIRIT are necessary for the perfect balance. Two important things I have already learned: 1. the ability to find this balance is already within AND 2. perfect equality is not possible. One day the creativity may need the most of your time and another day it may be a relationship and still another day it may be work. SO IT IS POSSIBLE if we remain flexible and ready to switch gears when needed without worry or frustration. I will continue to share my thoughts and discovery as the year rolls forward. Here is a favorite quote already found to support my realization for the need to focus on Balance!

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

~ Albert Einstein

I invented this little graphic to help me stay focused. If you need to focus on balance in your life then feel free to download, use, save and share this graphic with others.

Happy New Year and may you find Balance in 2009!

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