Friday, February 25, 2011



songbyrdonthemountain said...

I know I haven't left you comments but I always enjoy your beautiful creations. They bless me. May you be blessed as well!

Lovely Girl said...

I was reading your blog and thought that you are a great person with distinctive individuality. I am researching how people express their individuality by posting on Blogger and would like to invite you to take part in this exciting research.
How does it work?
I will analyze your posts of the last 6 months and try to come to a conclusion how you express your personality by the means of words you use in your daily blogging.
Why is it interesting for YOU?
When you post you usually express your individuality subconsciously (without planning ahead what words you will use) and through your writing create a distinctive image. Would you like to know what other people think of you without even seeing you? Could such knowledge help you in expressing your individuality even more?
Would you like to join?
Just fill out the short questionnaire on my blog and you are in.
Would you like to follow and read about other people’s personalities?
Just follow my blog.
Thanks and have a great day.
Vera Bakker,
Individual Blogger