Friday, November 23, 2012

what color is your psychological landscape?

Tested and tried I whine, Oh, God, why me?

Satisfied and complacent I forget Oh God, why me?

Every day should be thanksgiving and thanksliving.

In both good times and bad.

In fat years and lean.

In trials and triumphs.

In hope and despair.

For God never leaves, never stops listening, never stops answering, and never stops loving.

All things come of thee Oh God. All things bright and beautiful.

(inspired by devotionals)

I know I am not the only one who sees the dark parts of the inner landscape.

All feel hopeless and despondent or seasons of their lives.

They try also to find the bright hope of a new day as it colors their skies with new blessings and promises.

Suddenly a gray ominous landscape turns all golden and pink with joy.

The dark clouds part and a great orange ball of possibility rises.

One moment life is overshadowed with dark and if allowed proves no chance of contented joy.

There suddenly the mist clears and the bright light of new found faith reappears.

It is after the season of daunting colorlessness the light seems brighter and more beautiful.

As a Christian I know that when this different season comes to a close, I will find new pleasures and hope for better seasons.

Just like in nature another harsh winter will always come again but there will still be the promise of a new life and spring joy.

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