Saturday, December 29, 2007

De Christmasing thoughts

After a rainy stay inside morning (although I did manage my morning walk) I began the deChristmasing of the house. I go for the main living areas first and then branch out. Trying to organize and clean as I go, moving some furniture to new places too, it becomes very tiring and seems endless but I will succeed. Will attempt finishing Monday. Doing all this makes one realize the many blessings for there are so many gifts to put away, old items to move out for new, and some things you just can't decide what to do with them.

I know that I have 52 years of stuff myself, 27 years of married stuff, my husband's 56 years of stuff and a 23 year old son's collection minus what he has at his apartment. One does not rid and organized all this stuff in a matter of moments. It takes time, effort, and thought. Like moving my old desk from my son's room back into the den where my soon to be retired husband (and I) can be a little more organized as we start the new year. That alone means a new path for each item that moves to accomodate a new place.

Little by little it will all happen or be put on hold for regular routine stuff. I can't help but think about how empty my house seemed when we moved in. We actually have two homes full of stuff. We still own the house my husband grew up in, along with stuff his parents and he collected part of those years. We would like to eventually build a new house. Maybe by then I can be rid of some stuff I no longer use and can part with. Admittedly a pack rat, I am thankful for all I have but I have to change my ways and give it up. I cannot bear the thought of something happening to me and my husband or son being left to deal with all the clothes, junk, art etc. I saw a neighbor recently cleaning out his mother's house. I saw boxes in the yard or probably treasures to her but junk to those left to sort.

Maybe this will give you something to think about yourself as the new year begins. May we all deChristmas our houses but not our lives. The Christmas spirit must remain with us each and every day throughout the year.

The image is one I took recently of a blue bird enjoying the pyracanthra berries on my deck.

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