Friday, June 15, 2007

Vent Time! AKA Meltdown Mania

This will be a fractured entry at best...............of random stuff that is on my mind.

  • why does everyone want something from me? friends, relatives, strangers even? I don't have that much to give and yet they all seem to think I do! Well, I don't! How do they think I ever get any art done? Chores? Errands? Family time?

  • I miss my son terribly and plan to go see him next week! By myself if I have to!

  • Finally got the printer working again but for how long?

  • Making art, self portrait collage ATC, mandals circle book (great for design ideas), other collages, digital art, images for aunts cd cover, and writing and painting and preparing a lesson to teach at the local senior activity class......the list goes on and on.

  • I want that studio my husband is designing for me in his upstairs bonus room at our new home with bay windows overlooking the woods at my beloved Fernwood. It will be like being outdoors with no bugs, ticks, spiders and snakes!

I'm tired now and have vented all I dare by chance someone I really know reading this and figuring out who is who!

Thanks for letting me vent dear blog o mine!


Kel said...

a studio with no ticks, snakes or spiders - sounds like heaven to me

Anonymous said...

How I agree with you about having to share the time you want to use for art things with so many people - meals and house to run. I am 75 now and am late comer to this kind of art work - just dipping my toes in the water! I am so conscious of time passing and want to cut myself off from people and then feel guilty for even thinking of it - help! I love your blog Gill