Sunday, June 21, 2009

More patience!

All the recent posts have been about my Dad and his stroke and recovery. I have been pulling excerpts from my journaling through this experience. I numbered the journaling as Day 1, etc. plus dating and putting the time as usual. Just realized that today's words are from Day 3 (Currently I am at Day 22 since this happened). You can see I journaled quite a bit. Writing helps me absorb, sort and process experiences. I know many people prefer talking to someone but I find that harder. I seem to do better simply talking to God, listening to Him and then writing out how it all fits. Hope my struggles are helping others to realize you are never alone in any situation. God is ALWAYS there but you MUST INVITE HIM IN! Putting your experience into words can help you better understand what you are feeling and how it affects you as a person. May you be blessed and never have to see someone you love change suddenly overnight, losing a part of themselves as well as you and the stress and fear of not knowing if the entire person will be recovered. Small signs of my Dad is there but there's the fear that some of who he was may never return. I find myself having trouble enjoying things he would enjoy since he is not with me in each event. Today is Father's Day. I visited. Took presents and card. Made photos but the usual family meal was missing. The recognition of the light in his eyes of appreciation and enjoyment were not there. Here's hoping he was there in spirit and knew how much I cared he was still with me though altered. Here's hoping for more good family times together.

1 comment:

tala1947 said...

Chris, I know Father's Day was hard for you. My prayers are with you and your Dad.