The clouds part and I glimpse a peek at heaven....
do I see my grandparents, Harry and Lois, and other departed loved ones?
The clouds break through and I see a bit of heaven....
but wait, I'm not ready; I still want to see my son wed, grandchildren,
a home at Fernwood.
The clouds separate and I get a glance at heaven....
grassy fields, flowery meadows, happy faces.
The clouds split and I peer into heaven....
healing, joy, peace, and goodness.
The clouds open and I sneak a look into heaven....
Dad's stroke never happened; 9-11 is a myth; families are intact.
The clouds break up and I have sight of heaven....
life is good; there is hope; prayers are answered.
The clouds divide and I gaze into heaven....
or is it heaven on earth?
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