Everyone who knows a person who had a stroke sees it differently. Doctors see a case. A name. A person who suffered great loss and must face the possibility of not recovering, a family that must face facts. Nurses sometimes see the same thing but often with more compassion. They see the family daily and know that they have fears and hopes and their own confusion caused by an unexpected illness. I see Dad's stroke as a horrible injustice to a God-fearing, faithful, servant of God, husband, and father. I see a fearful of loss situation causing many mixed emotions, pain and fatigue. Will he fully recover to be home with Mom and live a somewhat normal though cautious life for more years to come? Through Mom's eyes it's a scary "What if I lose him?" event and the "Why him? Why me?" thoughts. A woman of age and dementia who still does not fully realize the complete cost of such an occurrence to the body of a man who was always her strength and protector. But DAD! How must it look through his eyes, experiencing it, feeling it, being confused by it? Does he know what happened? Does he know how bad it was? Does he know how far he's come? Does he realize how much work is still ahead? Does he have enough fight left for the remainder of his journey? Do any of us?
Through God's eyes, He sees a man of quiet strength who can truly grow stronger in his faith, closer to his maker and inspire others who observe the journey.
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