Monday, August 03, 2009

Day 63 Expectations

It was the best of days.

It was the worst of days.

My head was thirsty for creativity.

My heart was hungry for hope.

My life was weary of details.

My body was restless for peace.

It was the simplest of days.

It was the busiest of days.

My spirit cried for answers.

My soul longed for solace.

My mind ached for quiet.

My life hoped for joy.

It was the shortest of days.

It was the longest of days.

My days sought God's strength.

My nights sought God's serenity.

My prayers sought conclusions.

It was typical days.

It was expectant days.
Even with all he's been through and all he has left to do, I expect a full or nearly full recovery.
My Dad is Super! He tries hard. He doesn't fight it. He doesn't give in. He says there's no need to be that way cause it doesn't change anything. He's amazing!

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