Saturday, December 02, 2017

Begin with a grateful heart

Every day should be a ThanksLiving day. We should never stop counting our blessings. We should never stop showing our gratefulness. We should never forget our Gratitude Attitude. I have so many things to give thanks for. I forget sometimes. I fail to take the time. I find myself ignoring the fact that I am fortunate. I really want to be grateful in Much and grateful in Little. I want to be happy with what I have. I want to be content. I want to want what I have and ignore what I don’t need. I will find a way to be all God wants me to be. I want to share my blessings. I want to help others realize their blessings. Using the word I is overdone but it sure does make sense when trying to improve myself.

Twenty-four days till Christmas.

Thirty days till a brand new year.

Three hundred and ninety-five days to work harder for the Lord, to give of yourself to others, and to be closer to your Maker. It’s time to realize that in my life. It’s time for the world to realize this. It’s time to have a strong voice. If we as Christians don’t speak up now it will be too late for so many. It is overwhelming to realize how many people do not know God, believe there is a God. I really want to see a world centered in Christ living faith based lives. If you look at any news source you hear about all the horrible things people do to each other. This is not the world God created. He created a world of balanced beauty. He gave us amazing things to see, experience and enjoy. Gradually, the enemy is trying to trick people into ignoring, forgetting and destroying this gift. I challenge you to pray harder, believe stronger, and do what God intended. Live for Christ. Lead someone to Christ. Believe in the power of Christ’s love.

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